Our Planet Frozen Worlds illustrations

These are my illustrations inspired by the Netflix documentary “Our Planet | Frozen Worlds“. It is an episode from the documentary series of Netflix developed in collaboration with WWF that deals with climate change and its impact on the planet and wildlife (Jungles, Coastal Seas, Grasslands, High Seas, Fresh Water, Forests). The Frozen Worlds episode shows the wildlife in the two poles, Antarctica and Arctic, and is narrated by the magnificent David Attenborough. The footages are breathtaking and make you want to cry.

So, I watched this documentary and decided to paint along with the video in a freestyle way with my brush (no pencil or outline). I enjoyed it a lot, it was fun watching these penguins swimming/ walking on land and trying to capture movement with simple brush strokes.

On the small sketchbook, you can see gentoo penguins swimming like dolphins on the left and on the right you can see penguins on an icy land next to the sea. In the bigger sketchbook, gentoo penguins head to the very rare ice-free surface on top of the mountain where their mates have laid their eggs and sit on them.

And this is the wandering albatross with the widest span of wingspans among all birds, which again is found in Antarctica.

Below are some “realistic” illustrations of penguins with watercolors, watercolor graphite (Art graf) and watercolor inks. Next time I plan to make some penguin illustrations using weird colors like pink.


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